I just read back my review of 2022 and 2023 was equally as challenging but balanced out with making new friends, connections, and clients that ultimately become friends.
I expanded out my resin printing capabilities. While I can only house a few FDM printers in my space, I swapped out older model printers with newer ones, the newest being the Bambu A1 Combo. I have some ideas on how to utilize the AMS and the ability to print up to 4 colors.
During 2023, I printed accessibility items and sent a lot of assistive devices all over the US. Those are still available in shop, and I have a write up on it. I designed and printed clay stamps for a local potter, which then caught the eye of potters all over the world. Those are also available in my shop but they go quick. I have some new fonts and designs in the works.
I kept making plant items such as trellises and pots. I'm hoping to collaborate with some local plant folks this year.
While most of my business relies on custom work and printing for individuals, I did manage to do a few small vendor shows and will do more this year. It won't be the bulk of my efforts, but it's good to get out and talk to people face to face about how I can help them. My last vendor event allowed me to print a cosplay weapon, which is something I've always wanted to do but was waiting for that commission.
One of the more delightful developments was my slow reintroduction to the horse world. For a good part of my life, well before 3d printing, I used to work with horses. Training, teaching, riding, occasional showing but only to see how a new horse would react in the ring before sending beginners in there. It was a massive part of my life that I let go. I was invited to volunteer at a rescue by a new friend and I find myself wanting to be more involved again. In the same general time frame, I connected a wonderful sculptor that specializes in horses and printed some lovely designs. I love it when life just shoves you in a direction. The ache to paint has also returned so I want to make time to paint some of these horse prints.
I've had so many fun projects in 2023, beyond what's listed, but I think those will be their own posts.
Every year I have the intentions of keeping up with writing this blog, so I'll set that intention again and see how it goes. Happy 2024!